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Air quality 
   Index         Pressure     State     Impact     Response


Emissions into atmosphere by industrial and power units and by motor-car transport damage the environment and human. These emissions contain such a hazardous matters as sulphureous anhydride, nitric oxides, carbon oxides, dusts, lead and other heavy metals.

The Ukrainian Committee of Hydrology and Meteorology observes the state of atmospheric air at the network of stationary posts. Its results testify that contents of pollutants connected with wastes of industrial enterprises seldom exceeds GDK (limit concentration) norms. Though it is a considerable part in total air pollution. High atmospheric air pollution is registered in the regions adjoining to motorways and crossroads.

Researches of scientific organizations of medical profile confirm a straight connection between worsening of air quality and increasing of diseases of blood systems circulation and breathing, especially of children.

Emissions into atmosphere damage also municipal economy, historic, cultural and architectural monuments in Kyiv.

Regarding for mentioned facts, the main air pollution decreasing arrangements is a gradual change all of enterprises and productions to new ecologically safe types of technologies. It is also building of treatment facilities of new generations and providing their effective work. It is also territorial redistribution of production potential, intensive economic activity, the inculcations of operation technical methods that can provide decreasing of waste gases and of acoustic pressure upon the municipal environment.







There is also information related to this issue in the following sections of the report

Water     Air        Green zone       Biodiversity      Chemical safety          Health             Waste          Nuclear safety           Soil

Web site maintained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine    State Environmental Monitoring department

 with help and support of UNEP-GRID Arendal
Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.