In 1998 water abstraction and use volumes continued to decrease in Ukraine. In total, the abstraction from water bodies comprised 19,027 million m3 water in 1998, which is 6% less than in 1997. The withdrawal of underground water was 9% less and reached 3,363 million m3. The intake of sea water was over 790 million m3. On the whole, the share of irreversible water use in Ukraine was 6,946 million m3 or 36% of the total intake. From this quantity of water 4,635 million m3 are lost in the process of its use. Dynamics of the water intake is shown in Table 3.13. Dynamics of water abstraction from surface and ground water systems (1992-1998) (1,000,000 m3) In 1998, 13,044 million m3 of water were used, which is 1,685 million m3 (11.4%) less than in 1997. The main reason of a decrease in water abstraction and use volumes is explained by the declining productive activities in Ukraine. Introduction of payment for special use of fresh water resources was one of the factors influencing the volumes of water abstracted and used. As in previous years most of the water abstracted and used came from the Dnieper Basin - 10,754 million m3 (56%) and 8,502 million m3 (65%), respectively. From the Siverskyi Donets' River the abstraction and use of water have reached 2,253 million m3 (11.8%) and 1,573 million m3 (12%), from the Danube 1,323 million m3 (6.9%) and 3,044. million m3 (2.3%), from the Pivdennyi Bug 1,074 million m3 (7.9%) and from the Dniester 917 million m3 (4.8%) and 695 million m3 (5.3% ), respectively. The dynamics of water abstraction and use volumes from the basins of rivers and seas of Ukraine, and the dynamics of irreversible water consumption from them is shown in Table 3.15. Consumption of water from water bodies (1,000,000 m3) In 1998 the volumes of water used by main sectors of economy decreased and were:
The volumes of water use have also decreased in the systems of recirculation and reuse water supply. In the year under review they were 42,220 million m 3, including 41,509 million m 3 used in the industry sector. The dynamics of water consumption in such systems has been reflected in Table 3.16. The most essential water consumers are: industry - 5,899 million m3, agriculture - 3,571 million m 3 and municipal services - 3,441 million m 3. The dynamics of water use by main branches of the Ukrainian economy in 1992-1998 is shown in Table 3.17. Losses of water during transportation make up 1,463 million m3. The dynamics of water losses in the regions of Ukraine in 1992-1998 is shown in Table 3.18.