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National report on the environment condition in Ukraine for 1998 made by the Ministry for Environment Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine.

 Information for the National report was presented by the Ministry for Environment Protection and Nuclear Safety, Ministry or Public Health, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense, Ministry off Education, State Association of Nuclear Resources, Committee of Ukraine in the Problems of Hydrometeorology, Committee of Ukraine in the Problems of Geology and Bowels Utilization, State Committee of Land, Committee for Water Economy of Ukraine, State Committee of Forestry, State Committee of Statistics, State Committee for Fishery, Council of Productive Forces of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Society for Nature Protection.

Data of reports on the environment condition in 1998 of the Republican Committee for Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, Departments of Environment Safety in the regions, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol have been used in the work.

The main maps were prepared in framework of project "Geographical Atlas of Ukraine on CD-Rom", mutual Ukrainian-Canadian project.

The sections have been formed by the Department of State Environment Monitoring of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Nuclear Safety.

Responsible Executor: S. Kublanov



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phone: +380-044-2287343 fax: +380-044-2287343

e-mail: grid@mep.freenet.kiev.ua

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