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State Control



State control at industrial units in the environment protection sphere.

The main points of the State Management Department work are the followings: the state control over the questions of atmospheric air, water resources, placing, storage and utilization production wastes at Kyiv enterprises; control over green plantations state; radiation control, state ecological examination implement; implement of economic protection environment mechanisms. They are also consultations that about natural environment and the questions about nature protective legislation in Ukraine; consideration of projects; licencing of industrial enterprises activity.

For 1998 there were checked at 1203 enterprises, that is 165% against 1997 (727). There were 2000 violations of nature protection legislation (against 1400 in 1997). The main attention was given to enterprises that create a raised ecological danger.

Enterprises checks are implemented as by subsections of ecological inspection, separately, so by workers of nature protective procurator's office, workers of regional authorities.

According to demands of joint decision of the Ministry of the Environment Protection and Nuclear Safety and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, the Atmospheric Air Department implement an action "Clean air" in Kyiv in May and September-October.

While implementing an action "Clean air", in 1998 the State Department of Ecological Safety and DAI GUVS MVS organizations checked 2Î27 motor transport enterprises (ATP), car service stations (STOA), enterprises fleets. Besides that SP, MP and private cars are checked, too.

32621 motor transport means were checked. 6652 (20,4%) worked with exceeding of fixed norm of emissions.

For violation of nature protective legislation and ecological norms to 4669 persons were apply administrative sanctions, including 938 official persons, 3731 driver of state and private motor transport. Operating of 2326 state cars and 3777 private transport means was stopped. 1909 directions to liquidation of violations were handed.

For determine the state of enterprises and organizations as for toxic wastes, from 15 September to 1 November 1998 in Kyiv there was a complex check of 83 industrial enterprises that contain wastes galvanic productions.

Keeping galvanic slimes at enterprises, in the main, suits wastes keeping regulations of suitable danger class, though it is necessary to mark that not all enterprises have the qualitative certificates for them.

The check results testify that only on checked enterprises there are more than 250 thousand waste luminescent lamps, that lead to environment pollution, because of the places of their keeping do not suit keeping regulations.

The without permission dumps of consumer and building refuse has the impending scales, specially, in regions with private building.

Information about dumps was given to heads of municipal authority. In spring 49 dump was liquidated.

In autumn 42 dumps was liquidated, 26 dump are in the liquidation stage.

During this year 3 actions of damages were represented (by total sum 5200 hryvni), 6 official persons were applied administrative sanctions (by total sum 476 hryvni).

Big work is taken in sphere of analytic control over enterprises’ activity. In 1998 2356 analyses were taken, from which 1033 analyses are atmospheric air ones and 1323 are water ones.

During this year there is a control for quality of sewage waters at 79 enterprises, small rivers and Kanivskii reservoir. In all there were 174 water samples (144 from them are surface) and executed 1323 analyses were executed, including 1181 analyses of surface waters.

Specialists monthly takes a control over the work of Bortnitska aeration station, internal reservoirs (the Nivki, Lybed, Darnitsya rivers), at the main ranges (source, mouthl and at places of technological and sewage waters). By results of analytic researches there is pollution of small rivers by petrochemical that are coming with sewage outflows. Periodically control over the lakes is taken.

Three times a year control over water quality is taken at 6 ranges of Kanivski reservoir.

For 1998 the department of radiation safety and ecological control checked regulations and norms of radiation safety at 28 enterprises in the town.

The checks determined a series of violations of sanitary fundamental standards, 113 directions were handed For their execution a strict control was established.

In 1998 checked out nature protective legislation keeping was checked out at 14 regional trusts of green plantations, at 3 forest-park economies, at 35 units of natural reserve fund.

For illegal cutting and damage of green plantations to 48 persons were applies administrative sanctions by total sum 3587 hryvni. As damage compensation there were 26 claims by total sum 135231,6 hryvni, from which 44368,4 hryvni were already paid.

In 1998 for violation of nature protective legislation to 866 official person and citizens were applied administrative sanctions that is 138% against 1997 (627). The sum of penalty sanctions is 58274 hryvni that is 144% against 1997 (40381 hryvni). Penalty sanctions by sum 44,4 thousand hryvni were paid that is 159% against 1997 (27,8 thousand hryvni). There were 60 claims by sum of 178,2 thousand hryvni, from them 72,5 thousand hryvni were paid that is 300% against 1997.

Big work was taken in adjustment nature protective sphere. 306 GDV norms’ projects were considered, the materials was analysed and the following limits were handed. They are 712 limits for wastes placing, 190 limits for pollutants’ disposals, 13 permissions for purpose water use, 506 limits for emissions into atmospheric air.



There is also information related to all instruments in the following sections of the report

  Education       State control         Information             Laws  Participation           Environmental management         Conservation


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Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.