Citizens often ignore a danger
because of environment pollution, uncontrolled
technical "progress" on obsolete
technical, technological, organizational and
economic base.
Public so far does not have a
possibility right to value projects and economic
decisions and as it is necessary to interfere
their implement. It takes place because public
does not know an actual state of environment,
levels of its pollution.
It is necessary to make
information about state of natural environment
in the town popular. There is not use in keeping
information about pollution levels of air,
reservoirs, feeding products, pollution sources
from public. It does impossible to wait actions
upon making activity in nature protective sphere
from people.
It is very bad that any amount
of working collective of building, industrial
and transport enterprises of the Ukraine capital
don't know what influence their own production
does on the environment.
That is why, level rise of
ecological education and culture and
environmental information accessibility to wide
public is of great importance to the environment
becoming a business of every citizen.
To regret, today we not yet can
say about successes of this, but some working
out already is.
So, the State Management
Department as an organization of the Ministry of
the Environment Protection in Kyiv, and also one
of the municipal executive organizations,
actively works together with mass media and
public ecological organizations upon elucidation
of most actual ecological problems, of
ecological policy, that the State Management
Department takes. The press periodically
publishes articles devoted to the environment
protection problems. Adresses of
specialists-ecologists take place on television
and radio. The State Department specialists
advice upon ecological questions to journalists
of such television channels, as UT-1, YUTAR,
Ukrainian Independent