National Program on the Improvement of Ecological State of the Dnipro
River Basin and Quality of Drinking Water (adopted 27.02.97)
I. General Provisions
II. Main goals of the Program and
terms of its implementation
III. Current ecological state of the
Dnipro river basin.
(1. General hydrological and water
resources data. 2.Use of water resources. 3.Disposal of wastes. 4.State of underground waters. 5.Radioactive pollution. 6.Negative natural phenomena. 7.State of small rivers. 8.Water quality.9.Principles
and initial steps of water ecological and water economic policy regarding the reservoirs
of the Dnipro cascade.
IV. Main directions of the improvement
of ecological state of the Dnipro river basin.
V. Stages of solution of the
Program’s tasks and terms of their performance.
VI. Priority tasks and complex of
measures subject to major directions and expected results of their implementation.
1.Protection of surface and
underground waters from the pollution.2.Ecologically
safe use of water resources. 3.Renewal and
maintenance of favorable hydrological state of rivers and measures directed to prevent
harmful effect of waters activity. 4. Implementation
of basin principle of the management of water use, protection and resources renewal.
5. Improvement of drinking water quality. 6. Decrease of influence of radiation pollution.
VII. Scientific and technical base of
the Program.
VIII. Approximate calculations of value of the
Program’s implementation and source of its financing.
IX. Mechanisms of implementation and financing of the
Program and control over its performance.
(1.Legislative and legal base. 2.Economic mechanism. 3.Organizational mechanism. 4.Control over the Program’s performance.)
X. International Cooperation.
XI. Ecological training, education and provision of
information to the society.