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Basic polluting sources

(by main economic activities)

Emission dynamics of polluting substances from stationary sources by main sectors of economic activities

The highest percentage of polluting substances emitted into the air in 1998 were emissions from stationary sources of enterprises of the manufacturing industry (36%), from the production of electrical energy, and the gas and water sectors (33%), and enterprises of the mining industry (25%) (Table 3.3) Building enterprises emitted an inconsiderable quantity of polluting substances into the atmosphere (1.1%).

The highest quantity of nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and dust emissions came from stationary sources of enterprises of electricity production and the gas and water sectors (56%, 70%, 52%, respectively). Hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds mainly originated from enterprises of the extractive industry (74%), and carbon monoxide from enterprises of the manufacturing industry (70%).

In 1998 dust emissions decreased as compared to 1997 by 5%, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by 10%, and carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds by 7%.

Besides, dust emissions from enterprises of the extractive industry decreased by 7%, sulphur dioxide by 9%, nitrogen oxides by 11%, hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds by 9%, and carbon monoxide by 13%. From enterprises of the manufacturing industry dust emissions decreased by 10%, sulphur dioxide by 17%, nitrogen oxides by 12%, hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds by 1%, and carbon monoxide by 5%. Enterprises of electrical energy production of, and the gas and water sectors lowered their dust emissions by 3%, sulphur dioxide by 8%, nitrogen oxides by 10%, and hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds by 49%.( Table 3.4, Table 3.5, Table 3.6, Table 3.7, Table 3.8 )


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