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Integrated Indicators of Sustainable Development Harmonized with Basic Indicators of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Indicators of Environment Condition Intensification Number Condition indicators Number  Response indicators Number


1) Protection of quality and reserves of fresh water

annual abstraction of surface waters, % of accessible volume* 21 potential resources of river waters, km3 209.8 treatment of sewage 82
annual abstraction of surface waters, % of accessible volume 12.3 balance reserves of local discharge m3 52.4 price for water and water consumption for treatment of waste —
annual consumption of drinking water per capita, m3 453.8 reserves of underground waters bill. m3 4.3 part of irreversible water consumption in the volume of consumed water, % 47
water capacity of industry m3 calculated per unit of industrial GNP 0.225** faecal pollution of fresh water, % in total volume of sewage 31% irreversible water losses in industry, % volume of reused water 3*
water capacity of GNP m3/hrn 0.150** biochemical oxygen demand, fresh water demand, BOD5, (20 C) 1 – 5    
    water supply by local flood thou.m3/yr per capita  1.0    
    per km2 87    

2) Protection of seas and coastal zones

oil products discharge into coastal waters   average catch of sea organisms, t   regulation of reserves (catch)
arrival of nitrogen and phosphorus into coastal waters, t/yr total nitrogen, phosphorus   relation between annual average catch of sea organisms and maximum average catch, %      

3)Integral approach to planning and control of land resources

total land area (dry land) thou. ha,  57939.8 area of degraded and disturbed lands % of total area 3.1 reformation of land relations-distribution of land resources among forms of property, % –
thereof: land of target use, thou. ha 54511.4 area of radiocontaminated lands, thou. ha 8400 state 50.9
agricultural lands, % of total area 72.2 thereof rehabilitated thou. ha 2500 property of nonstate agricultural enterprises 44.0
built-up lands % of total area 3.9     private 5.1
industrial lands % 0.6     rehabilita-ted lands, %* 1.6%
lands of recreational, resort, nature-protection lands and those of historical-cultural legacy, % 7.5        
lands of nature-reserve fund % of total area 2.2        
land capacity of agricultural thou. ha /unit of agricultural GNP 0.130        

4) Control of sensitive ecosystems: combating desertification and droughts

population living in regions with arid climate, % 27.6 monthly average amount of precipitations in regions with arid climate, mm 30    
land areas with insufficient moisture % of total area 24.3        

5) Control of sensitive ecosystems: steady development of montane territories

ท population dwelling in mountain regions, % 7.0 area of dangerous zones in montane and submontane regions, % of the area of montane regions 18.0 forest protection of lands, % of the area of montane regions 25.0
territory of montane (submontane) regions, % of total area of Ukraine 6.3 area of degraded lands, % of the area of montane regions 22.0    

6) Environment safety of agriculture

use of pesticides kg/a/c lands 0.2 area of arable lands per capita ha 0.65 expenditures for protective and recreative actions % of TNP 0.024
introduction of mineral fertilizers kg/acting substance per 1 ha a/c lands 12.8 area of salted and supermoisted and bogged lands % of a/c lands 24.6 


irrigated lands, % of tillage area 6.0 lands with acid soils, % of a/c lands 18.5    
meliorated lands, % of agricultural land area 7.9 total area of lands subject to water erosion % of a/c lands 39.3    

7) Protection of forests

territory woodiness,% 15.6 lands covered with forest mill. Ha 9.4 share of forest protected, % of total forest area 15
average increase of stands per 1 ha, m3 3.7 per capita, ha 0.18    
area of forest resources mill. ha 10.8 wood reserves m3  1736 


share of forest subject to control (State Forest Fund),% 67
potential volumes of nonwood resources thou.t 84 per capita m3 34    
forest recreation rates thou.ha/yr 35 — 38 wood consumption by production, % of logging volume 70    
reserves of wood mill. ha/yr 1736*        

8)Preservation of biodiversity

ท area of reserve territories, % of total area 2.6 kinds of flora and fauna protected, % of total number of species 14 area of dry lands and coastal sea zones protected, % of total area 136 thou. ha 0.2% is not protected

9) Control of environment biotechnologies

    regional and national expenditures for biotechnologies, % of GNP 2.1* availability of natio-nal programmes and recommendations as regards develop-ment of biotechno-logies yes

10) Atmosphere protection

National gas emissions resulting in greenhouse effect: CO2, CH4, N2O, methane mill. t/yr. Total 


concentrations of: SO2, CO, CO2

-nitrogen oxides 




-carbon tetrachloride 

-methyl-chloroform CFS – 11, 12,22,113 

-and toxic compounds in the air of populated cities for CO – mg/m3 ppm, for others ng/m (ppb)

SO2 – 0.024 

CO2 – 1.8 

NOx – 0.08 

NH3 – 0.05 

H2S – 0.004 

dust –0.16 


total expenditures for decrease and control of atmospheric air pollution, hrn 63026*
national emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) expressed through total (SO2), t or thou.t per capita or per GNP unit or total power consumption unit SOx –1.4 

0.033t per capita

global changes of air temperatures +3oC decrease of emissions (1980 –1998), % 55
national emissions of anthropogenic nitrogen oxides Nox expressed through total NO2 or thou. t per capita or per GNP unit or total power consumption unit NOx –0.05 

0.01t per capita

on-land level of UV-radiation – share of state expenditures for air protection, % 21.8% of total expenditures for environment protection
consumption of fluorides destruction ozonosphere, t -     economic and fiscal instruments in force
arrival of pollutants into the atmosphere kg per capita 120        

11) Control of solid waste

generation of industrial and municipal waste t/yr. per capita 14.1 collection and utilization of municipal waste, t/thou hrn GNP a year 0.0075 rates of waste decrease per GNP unit, t/yr. reverse tendency
generation of domestic waste, kg/24 hrs per capita 0.7 areas under solid waste, ha 162600 degree of circulation use and reuse of waste, % 30.6
generation of waste under excavation and enriching of minerals mill. m3 265.0     expenditures for waste control hrn/thou. hrn of GNP 3.4

12) Control of toxic chemical compounds in the environment

emissions of heavy metals – concentration of toxic compounds in objects and natural media mg/kg soils Zn –5.5 –640 changes in content of toxic compounds in industrial products –
emissions of organic compounds t/yr. 550 concentration of heavy metals in rivers, mg/l Zn –below 20; Mn below 1.8    
use of toxic pesticides kg/ha 0.5-1.0        

13) Control of hazardous waste

generation of hazardous waste per thou/hrn of GNP,t 1.6 land area under hazardous waste km2 290.5 total expenditures for decrease and processing of dangerous waste mill./hrn 252.1*
import, export of dangerous waste, t –        


1. Demographic dynamics, population development

total annual increase (decrease) of population –0.99 total number of people, thou. people 50639 population connected with biological or chemical purification plants, % 85% urban 

7.7% rural

population of 60 and above, % 18.9 population density, people/km2 84 with processing of domestic waste 3.7
life expectancy at birth (yr.) 67.4 registered unemployment (in % of working-age population) 3.8    
literacy level of population, % 98.7 population migration balance:      
    urban –80.9    
    rural –12.7    

2. Public health 

number of population living in an ecologically dangerous environment mill./people 2.65 provision of high-quality drinking water, % 85% urban p. 20% rural p total national expenditures for public health % GNP 4.3%
maternal mortality (per 100,000 of alive newborns) 25.1 consumption of alcohol drinks (litres per capita) 1.2 state expenditures for public health (in % of all state expenditures) 11.9
deaths from blood circulation system diseases (in % of all cases 59.2 consumption of tobacco products (kg per adult) 144.2    
deaths from tumours (in % to total cases) 13.0        

3. Education

total share of pupils, % 69.6     total expenditures for higher education (in % of total expend. for education) 17.9
        state expenditures for education (% of GNP) 5.4
        state expenditures for science (% GNP) 0.6

4. Maintenance of environment condition of human settlements

urban population (% of total) 67.6 influence on population, %: 






planting trees in populated cities, % in force
annual increase (decrease of urban population -0.1 -polluted air 30 economic, fiscal and control instruments 3.4
population of cities with more than 1,000,000 people (% of urban) 21.5 -noise 20    
NOx and Sox emissions in cities, % 21.5 -polluted drinking water 50    
density of traffic flows:   share of total area of housing (%) equipped with: 

-water works

-urban 0.08 -in cities 74.9    
-national 0.024 -country side 17.2    
    sewerage in:      
    -cities 73.5    
    -country-side 11.6    
    central heating in:      
    -cities 72.3    
    -country-side 16.1    
    hot-water supply in:      
    -cities 57.9    
    -country-side 3.5    


1. National policy and international cooperation

GNP per capita, hrn 1824 share of industrial products in total goods export, % 21 expenditures for environment protection % of total costs % of GNP 1.4
industrial production (% TSC) 34.0     expenditures for pollution control and decrease, % GNP 3.7
agricultural production % of TSC (total state cost) 12.3     expenditures for social protection of population (% of total sum costs) 0.8
final consumption expenditures of domestic economies (% of TSC)  57.1     expenditures for social protection of population (% of total sum costs) 16.4
export of goods and services (% GNP) 40.5     expenditures for social protection (% of GNP) 6.1
import of goods and services (% GNP) -44.3        
share of raw materials in total export, % 55        

2. Changes in consumption structure

availability of fuel resources, oil equiv. (o.e.) – total power capacity GNP, kg o.e./hrn  2.14 efficiency of resources consumption kg, t, m3/1000 hrn (US$) –
    kg c.f./hrn 3.07    
total consumption of fuel-power resources mill. t of consumed fuel (c.f.)  215 total electric capacity GNP kW/hr/hrn 2.28 import of fuel power resources mill. t o.e. 76.5
mill. o.e. 160.9        
electric power consumption bill. kW/hr/yr. 178.0 total power capacity of industry kg o.e./hrn 1.448 export of fuel power resources mill. t o.e. 6
heat power consumption billion kal/yr  228.7 electric capacity of industry production kg o.e./hrn 0.366    
established power of electric power plants mill./kW/yr. 52.0** total power capacity of agriculture kg o.e./hrn 0.663    
-Steam power plants  34.5 (66.4%)** fuel capacity of industry production kg o.e./hrn 1.082    
-nuclear -power plants 12.8** (24.6) share of consump-tion of renewable power resources 5*    
-hydroelectric stations 4.7 (9%)        
structure of power production, %:          
-Steam powernm plants 51.4**        
-nuclear power plants 43.8**        
-hydroelectric stations 4.8**        

3. Financial resources and mechanisms

pure resource transfers GNP, % 12** total foreign and home debts (GNP, %) – sum of new and additional funds or sustainable development from 1992, hrn., (US$) –
    unified budget deficit in Ukraine (% of GNP) 6.7    
    unified budget balance, % of GNP -2.3    
    state budget deficit, % of GNP 5.3    

* Indicators necessary for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe 

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