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The industrial and social and economic development of the Ukrainian capital characterizes by high rates. During the post-war period there were brought into action contributed the mains production funds of any amount of billions ten karbovanetses that implemented and an industrial production volume increases 30 times against 1940.

It is necessary to say a few words about structure of industrial production of Kyov. The goods production is formed by (data of 1989): machine-building and metal-working industry is 47%, chemistry and oil chemistry is 7,7%, light industry is 17,4%, food - 12,5% and other industry sectors-15,4%.Kyiv products the same year 100% of motor-cycles production, 40% - tape-recorders, 11% - scoop shovels, 16,7% - chemical fibres and 26,2% chemical plants protection methods.

Namely the structure of industrial production largely conditions the levels of technogenic pressures on the natural environment and disposition of its pollution, composition of contaminating matters and, finally, the natural capacity of public production. Improvement of this structure can be lead to essential decrease of economic pressure on the urban ecological system.

Emissions into atmosphere from industrial and power units do an enormous damage to the natural environment and human health. In 1991 inappreciable damage emissions from stationary sources reached 64,3 thousand tons (growth against the previous year almost 10 thousand tons), and from movable means - 172,2 thousand tons (decrease on 46 thousand tons), that was equal almost 100 kg a year for a habitant. From total amount, harmful emissions for a habitant are followings: a sulphureous anhydride is 9,4 kg, nitrogen oxides are 12 kg, oxides of carbon is 56,3 kg and extraordinarily dangerous lead is 10 gr.

Emissions from stationary pollution sources stipulate by presence more than 700 industrial enterprises of different industries that have 24 thousand organized emission sources. The main pollutants of atmospheric air in the town are the enterprises stationed in Kharkovskii and Vatutinskii regions, that have accordingly 47,1% and 35,9% of total emissions from stationary sources.

During last years there was a tendency to decreasing emissions volumes of pollution matters, that first of all is connected with decrease of production volumes.

Amount of harmful emissions into the natural environment depends on disposition and specialization of production , on presence of treatment facilities, effectiveness of their work. So in Vatutinskii region there are only 2% total amount of enterprises polluted atmospheric air by emissions. However they have almost one third of inappreciable emissions ( upon the data of the municipal statistic department).

Researches of scientific organizations of medical profile, confirm the straight connection between worsening of ecological situation in Kyiv and the habitants health state. For example, a children health state analysis that live in 11 town micro-regions with different disposition and pollution degree of environment, testifies that in regions, adjoining big industrial enterprises and units, there is a considerably higher morbidity level of circulation of the blood system , digestion organs and endocrine system. Growths of circulation of the blood and breathing systems diseases are related chiefly to emissions of carbon bisulphide into atmosphere . The main air pollution sources by this gas in the town there is TETS and VO "Khimvolokno".

Emissions from industrial enterprises and power units, exhaust cars gases do big damage not only to human health, and to urban economy, to historic architectural and cultural monuments of Kyiv. The chemically aggressive elements and combinations, that are contained in these emissions, cause a destruction of industrial buildings, dwelling-houses, architecture monuments, too. At the same time, there are the processes of corrosive destruction of metallic constructions, bridges, cable networks, metallic roof, electricity transmissions lines, trams and railway gauges; the tinted facades and buildings lose an aesthetic look.

The most of enterprises decreased its emissions through the work instability and production volumes fall , though 89 ones increased them on 4,868 thousand tons.

27 enterprises make in its production use of ozone destroying matters.









There is also information related to sectors of economy in the following sections of the report
Energy      Industry     Transport     Recreation  


Web site maintained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine    State Environmental Monitoring department

 with help and support of UNEP-GRID Arendal
Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.