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Fig.3.1 Dynamics of water abstraction from surface and ground water systems

Fig.3.1 Dynamics of water abstraction from surface and ground water systems (1992-1998) (1,000,000 m³)

bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Water
Fig.3.2 Consumption of water from water bodies

Fig.3.2 Consumption of water from water bodies (1,000,000 m³)

bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Water
Fig.3.3 Dynamics of contaminant substances discharge into Ukrainian rivers and seas

Fig.3.3 Dynamics of contaminant substances discharge into Ukrainian rivers and seas (1992-1996)

bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Water
Fig.3.4 Structure of land resources of Ukraine Fig.3.4 Structure of land resources of Ukraine as of 1 January 1999(data from State Committee for Statistics of Ukraine) bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Soil
Fig.3.5 Average contamination of
    agricultural crops by region Fig.3.5 Average contamination of agricultural crops by region (1998) bukvai.GIF (197 byt
es) Soil
Fig.3.6 Dynamics of counter-measures implemented on contaminated agricultural lands Fig.3.6 Dynamics of counter-measures implemented on contaminated agricultural lands of Ukraine, thousand hectares bukvar.GIF (450 byt
es) Soil
Fig.3.7 Dynamics of number and catching of main species of hunting animals Fig.3.7 Dynamics of number and catching of main species of hunting animals bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Fauna
Fig.3.8 The Dynamic of Fish Catch in Dnieper Cascade Reservoirs During 1981-1998 Fig.3.8 The Dynamic of Fish Catch in Dnieper Cascade Reservoirs During 1981-1998 (tons) bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Fauna
Fig.3.9 Dynamics of harvesting of fish and sea products from the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea by Ukraine< /td> Fig.3.9 Dynamics of harvesting of fish and sea products from the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea by Ukraine in 1991-1998, tons. bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Fishery
Fig.3.10 Changes in the area of the Nature Reserve Lands Fig.3.10 Changes in the area of the Nature Reserve Lands during 1992-1998 bukvar.GIF (450 byt
es) Reserve Land
Fig.3.11 Structure of natural reserves in Ukraine Fig.3.11 Structure of natural reserves in Ukraine bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Reserve Land
Fig.3.12 Allocation of ashes and ash-slag waste formation in regions Fig.3.12 Allocation of ashes and ash-slag waste formation in regions. bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Waste
Fig.3.13 Allocation of coal mining and coal concentrating waste formation in regions Fig.3.13 Allocation of coal mining and coal concentrating waste formation in regions bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Waste
Fig.3.14 Allocation of metallurgical slags formation in regions Fig.3.14 Allocation of metallurgical slags formation in regions bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Waste
Fig.3.15 Dynamics of toxic waste accumulation in Ukraine (thousand tn) and allocation of toxic waste accumulation in
    regions Fig.3.15 Dynamics of toxic waste accumulation in Ukraine (thousand tn) and allocation of toxic waste accumulation in regions (% of total amount bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Waste
Fig.3.16 Allocation of 1st-4th danger level toxic waste accumulation in regions Fig.3.16 Allocation of 1st-4th danger level toxic waste accumulation in regions. bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Waste
Fig 3.17 Towns with maximum pollutant emissions, thousand tons (% of total amount of emissions in
    Ukraine) 1998

Fig 3.17 Towns with maximum pollutant emissions, thousand tons (% of total amount of emissions in Ukraine) 1998

bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Airs
    Emission dynamics of polluting substances from stationary sources by main sectors of
    economic activities

Fig.3.18 Emission dynamics of polluting substances from stationary sources by main sectors of economic activities

ukvap.GIF (1174 bytes) Airs
Fig.4.1 Annual average content of benzapyrene in atmospheric air of Ukraine cities in 1998 multiple to maximum permissible
    concentration Fig.4.1 Annual average content of benzapyrene in atmospheric air of Ukraine cities in 1998 multiple to maximum permissible concentration bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Air
Fig.4.2 Weighted average content of separate ions (%) in total mineralization of atmospheric precipitations in 1998 Fig.4.2 Weighted average content of separate ions (%) in total mineralization of atmospheric precipitations in 1998 bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Air
Fig.4.3 Deviation from climatic
    norm of the total content of ozone Fig.4.3 Deviation from climatic norm of the total content of ozone bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Ozon Layer
Fig.5.1 Volumes of waste water discharge into the Black Sea Fig.5.1 Volumes of waste water discharge into the Black Sea bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Sea water
Fig.5.2 Pollutants discharge into the Black Sea, thousand tons per year Fig.5.2 Pollutants discharge into the Black Sea, thousand tons per year bukvap.GIF (1174 by
tes) Sea water
Fig.5.3 Petroleum
    product content (mg/l) in sea water samples from the major regions of the Black Sea

Fig.5.3 Petroleum product content (mg/l) in sea water samples from the major regions of the Black Sea.

bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Sea water
Fig.6.1 Birth rate, death rate and population growth coefficients

Fig.6.1 Birth rate, death rate and population growth coefficients (per 1,000 people)

bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Health
Fig.7.1 Dynamics of anthropogenic  and natural emergencies Fig.7.1 Dynamics of anthropogenic and natural emergencies bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Ec.safety
Fig.7.2 The distribution of considerable state and national emergencies Fig.7.2 The distribution of considerable state and national emergencies bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Ec.safety
Fig.7.4 Electricity generation in Ukraine in 1998 Fig.7.4 Electricity generation in Ukraine in 1998 bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Power energy
    Disturbances at Ukrainian NPSs

Fig.7.5 Disturbances at Ukrainian NPSs (1992-1998)

bukvas.GIF (721 byt
es) Power energy



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