Project of
AGREEMENT between MEPNS/SEMD and UNEP/DEIA on the establishment of Ukrainian GRID
Centre |
The Ministry
of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine (MEPNS), and State
Ecological Monitoring Department (SEMD) in the one side; and. The United Nations
Environment Programme (hereafter, UNEP) and its Division of Environmental
Information and Assessment (hereafter, DEIA), which facilitate environmental
assessments in support of sustainable development; and UNEP/DEIA’s Global Resource
Information Database (GRID), which in partnership with national, sub-regional and
global organisations and agencies, carries out data and information harmonisation,
management and dissemination; and institutional capacity building and servicing
information technology transfer with developing countries and countries with economies in
transition on the other side (and hereafter referred to as "the Parties") |
- convinced
that establishing a partnership will benefit both Parties, given MEPNS/SEMD broad access
to and responsibility for environmental and socio-economic data of the Ukraine, its
capacity for applied research and strengths in GIS and remote sensing on the one hand, and
UNEP/DEIA's global role in environmental assessment, capacity building and environmental
data and information management on the other, and
- in order to combine efforts concerning environmental and
socio-economic data acquisition, analysis and dissemination for key thematic data sets in
geo-referenced and statistical format, as well as information products relating to
environmental issues and natural resource;
are resolved to conclude the following Agreement. |
The Parties agree to work in partnership to establish a
DEIA/GRID-compatible and cooperating data centre at the Information technologies group of
State Ecological Monitoring Department of MEPNS to be known as "GRID-Kiev", in
order to provide information technology and related technical expertise to prepare,
analyze and present data and information as inputs to environmental assessments and State
of Environment (SoE) reports, with the ultimate aim of supporting environmentally
sustainable decision-making. |
Under this Agreement, UNEP/DEIA will provide advisory support
to MEPNS/SEMD, as well as GRID-compatible guidelines, policies, recommendations,
standards, etc. MEPNS/SEMD will adhere to and apply these recommendations and
standards for data harmonisation, management and exchange activities between the Parties.
Annex 1 is an integral part of this Agreement which specifies
the major responsibilities of both parties in regard to their mutual support, modalities
and obligations for data and information exchange, etc. |
The Parties will work in co-operation in identifying and
requesting funds from potential donors for activities that may arise from this Agreement
and for which a successful implementation requires funding. On any externally funded
projects, operational procedures to control the associated funds will be jointly
established by the Parties on a case-by-case basis |
A joint workplan will be elaborated by the Parties, identifying
tasks and responsibilities for each partner and setting up a schedule for GRID-Kiev’s
initial activities and outputs. This workplan will be done in harmony with both Parties'
overall goals and objectives, and will be finalised within two months after the Agreement
is signed as minimum requirements. The workplan share contain as minimal contents all of
the following information:
 | Cooperative activities to establish GRID-Kiev at information
technologies group of SEMD;
 | Other first-year activities, schedule and deliverables, review dates;
 | Nomination of a contact person from each institution (the role of the
contact person will be to coordinate the activities of the different components of the
Parties towards a mutually beneficial cooperation );
 | Exchange of experts and training activities.
An initial progress report and review of the cooperative effort will be
jointly produced, after first 3 month of project. |
An advisory board will be established as the main oversight
group for GRID-Kiev. This advisory board will have at least one member from UNEP, being
the undersigned Assistant Executive Director (AED) or his/her representative, and at least
one Deputy Minister of the MEPNS. The task of the advisory board shall be to review
(at least once per year) the strategy, status and workplan of GRID-Kiev. A further
documents will be drawn up within two months after signature of this Agreement describing
how the advisory board is to be established and its duties, rights and
responsibilities in the oversight of the GRID-Kiev facility. |
Neither of the Parties shall have liability for any risk to the
other Party's personnel arising as a result of the work carried out under this agreement,
whether undertaken on the premises of the Parties or elsewhere.
MEPNS/SEMD shall refrain from any action which adversely affects
UNEP or the UN, and shall fulfil its commitments with total regard for the interests of
the UN, while for its part UNEP shall refrain from any action which adversely affects
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
shall, if attempts at settlement by negotiations have failed, be submitted to arbitration
in the United Nations, New York by a single arbitrator agreed upon by both parties. Should
the parties be unable to agree on a single arbitrator within thirty days of their request
for arbitration, then each party may request the appointment of a third arbitrator by the
President of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The arbitrator
shall rule on the costs, which may be divided between the parties. The decision rendered
in the arbitration shall constitute the final adjudication of the issues in dispute. |
This Agreement shall become effective upon signature by both
parties, and is concluded for an initial period of two years, it being understood that
each party shall have the right to terminate it at any time by giving written notice six
months in advance to the other party. The Parties will prepare suggestions leading to the
continued functioning of GRID-Kiev as part of the overall global GRID network of centres,
no less than six months before the current Agreement is to expire. |

ANNEX 1 to the
AGREEMENT between MEPNS/SEMD and UNEP/DEIA Containing the detailed terms and technical
conditions for establishment of GRID-Kiev.
MEPNS/SEMD, together with advisory support from UNEP/DEIA and the existing GRID Network,
will create a GRID-Kiev centre which is to be located on the base information technology
group of SEMD. The two parties will work together to actively include and ultimately
integrate GRID-Kiev in the GRID system. |
The operation
of GRID-Kiev will be undertaken in close cooperation with interested regional and other
institutes and through the establishment of a GRID-compatible network in Ukraine. The
activities of GRID-Kiev should both promote the establishment of a network of local
(regional and thematic) centres, and ultimately reflect the Ukrainian experience
internationally throughout the GRID network. |
UNEP/DEIA shall, on its part:
a). Make every
effort to play a catalytic role in the establishment of the centre by, for example,
providing including advice and assistance in ensuring that there is adequate hardware and
software to demonstrate the concept, potential and practical operation of GRID-Kiev;. |
b). Provide
GRID-Kiev with all relevant public domain data sets held by UNEP/DEIA free of charge, in
accordance with the GRID policy on data distribution and to the extent these are requested
by GRID-Kiev;. |
c). Provide
GRID-Kiev with scientific and technical advice, information and documentation free of
charge , including information on hardware and software required to expand the capacities
of GRID-Kiev for GIS, image processing and other technical operations; |
d). Endeavour
to provide for GRID-Kiev, as a GRID cooperating centre, to be provided with GIS and image
processing (IP) software at normal concessive or discount prices available to other GRID
centres; |
e). Endorse
the activities of GRID-Kiev in compiling and collating environmental data. The data and
information will be shared by the two parties and will be accessible through the GRID
network to users through the world, in accordance with the GRID data distribution policy
and the relevant legislation of the Ukraine; |
f). Provide
through the DEIA GRID-Kiev secretariat and via Internet as well as traditional means, with
GRID meta-data and periodic updates, newsletters and brochures, GRID reports and other
materials available, the latest information products and other GRID services, both
routinely and as GRID-Kiev may periodically request these from the GRID network; |
g). Assist in
arranging support for specialists from other cooperating Ukrainian organisations, with the
aim of facilitating training, database development and other applications relevant to
GRID-Kiev's activities |
h). Assist
GRID-Kiev to develop financial strategies for future operations and development |
MEPNS/SEMD will, on its part:
a). Assume
responsibility for co-ordinating GRID activities in Ukraine, bearing in mind that the
primary responsibility for sub-national data lies with the corresponding authorities. In
this regard, MEPNS/SEMD will assume, as appropriate, the lead role in the interaction with
Ukrainian authorities or organisations for activities under the Agreement and in
accordance with the relevant legislation of the Ukraine.
To this end, and within the feasibility of resources and a reasonable
timeframe, GRID-Kiev will be expanded into a national network of compatible centres with
the GRID-Kiev as a hub. MEPNS will provide UNEP with access to all non-restricted
environmental data sets in Ukraine and will support the policy of free exchange of data; |
b)Appoint a
senior staff member as a full-time GRID-Kiev Facility Manager (Director), with the
responsibility of, inter alia, liasing with UNEP/GRID, and will advise UNEP accordingly.
MEPNS/SEMD will also provide analytical staff with a background in such fields as
information technologies, geography, forestry, ecology, etc., as well as digitising
technicians, and administrative support staff. The initial number of fully-devoted
professional (with Bachelor or Master of Science or equivalent degrees in relevant fields)
staff at GRID-Kiev will not be less than 5; |
c). Through
GRID-Kiev, provide all non-restricted data sets to UNEP free of charge, including those
acquired or developed in environmental monitoring and research activities it manages, and
also distribute such data to all public domain clients/users who so request it; |
with SEMD/GRID-Kiev, and in cooperation with relevant training institutions, provide
technical support for GIS and satellite image processing to specialists involved in
environmental research; |
e). With
GRID-Kiev, in so far their responsibilities allow, make arrangements for and distribute a
catalogue of data sets on the national environment following the recommendations of the
GRID meta-database (i.e., the Meta-data Directory or MdD) through, inter alia, an active
approach towards collecting new data from across the country and by announcing new or
planned GRID network-assisted development;.
In this regard, GRID-Kiev will follow the GRID MdD model in order to
act as an effective interface between the Ukraine and UNEP; |
f). Support
the role of GRID-Kiev in the GRID system by taking partial responsibility for the
development of algorithms and the generation of data sets in selected thematic areas
determined by mutual agreement; |
g). In
consultation with UNEP/DEIA/GRID, develop a detailed work plan for 1997 and ultimately,
subsequent periods; |
h). Insofar as
the activities of GRID-Kiev allow, support all general GRID policies including those for
data quality assessment and comparison, data exchange standards, the right of possession
of data and information on systems development among GRID collaborating/cooperating
centres; |
financial support and a growth strategy in order to ensure both the establishment and
proper functioning of GRID-Kiev |
addition, GRID-Kiev as part of its activities will: |
a). Provide
the DEIA/EIN/ GRID secretariat with information on its outputs and activities and the
general environmental situation in the Ukraine, including for example the preparation of
articles for such UNEP publications as "EarthViews", and will also submit
materials for the governing body of UNEP if and when this is deemed necessary; |
UNEP/GRID of any publications, reports and/or research materials that are produced, and
copies of those materials will be sent to other GRID centres and entered in the DEIA
library; |
advertise the functions of GRID via contacts with known or potential users within the
Ukraine and organise presentations, seminars, visits and the circulation of printed
materials to potential users, thus providing information on GRID to Ukrainian users. |
One of the
main functions of Ukrainian GRID - centre is annual preparation of the national report
about environment state.
The experts of GRID-Kiev used experience of other GRID – centres
(interface decision), recommended software and methodical approaches of UNEP, OECD and
other international organizations.
Basic priority GRID-Kiev methodical activity is perfection of
scientific and methodical representations for environmental assessments. This direction
actively develops in UNEP’s system with the name Global Environment Outlook
(GEO). The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), European
statistical agency during many years use ecological indicators for environmental
assessments and formation of the reports about environment state. The experts of GRID-Kiev
will analyse experience of UNEP both other international organizations and Ukrainian
approaches of this problem. On the basis of the spent analysis the indicators of
environment state of Ukraine for representation at international level will be
constructed. As information basis of this activity the annual State Report of environment
was used. GRID-Kiev will generate the analytical application to this report with use of
geoinformation technologies and georefferenced data.
Thus logic of presentation and structure of the Ukraine national
report, that have the status State (governmental) one and created by
collective of experts from more than 20 departments and interested organizations, will be
maintained. |